The SARB website should be able to provide the best and most up to date information on their stance on cryptocurrencies.

As at the time of posting, the SARB website says the following:

"Are there any compliance requirements or exchange controls applicable to crypto assets?

The SARB does not currently oversee, supervise or regulate crypto assets, which were previously referred to as virtual currencies, but is continuing to monitor this evolving area. The SARB’s position on crypto assets remains as set out in the 2014 Position Paper on Virtual Currencies and is summarised below.

Crypto assets are not legal tender in South Africa, so any merchant or beneficiary may refuse them as a means of payment. These assets are not guaranteed or backed by SARB as they operate independently from the central bank and users are alerted to the potential risk of fluctuation in the value of crypto assets. There are currently no dedicated laws or regulations that specifically govern the use of crypto assets in South Africa and, therefore, no regulatory compliance requirements exist for local trading of these assets. Legal protection or recourse to users, traders or intermediaries of crypto assets therefore depends on general common law principles. Dealing in crypto assets is performed at the end-user’s sole and independent risk. Initial coin offerings are related to crypto assets and their use are also unregulated and unsupervised by the SARB.

Neither the Currency and Exchanges Manual for Authorised Dealers nor the Currency and Exchanges Manual for Authorised Dealers in foreign exchange with limited authority allow for cross-border or foreign exchange transfers for the explicit purpose of purchasing crypto assets. From an exchange control perspective, the Financial Surveillance Department is unable to approve any transactions of this nature.

Individuals may purchase crypto assets from abroad using their single discretionary allowance of up to R1 million and/or their individual foreign capital allowance of up to R10 million with a tax clearance certificate per calendar year, as outlined in the abovementioned manuals. A local Authorised Dealer will be able to assist individuals with these allowances.

It should be noted that, when purchasing foreign exchange through an Authorised Dealer, a customer is required to sign a declaration, either physically or electronically, which includes the wording “I have been informed of the limit applicable to the above transaction and confirm that this limit will not be exceeded as a result of the conclusion of this transaction”. It follows that an individual is responsible for ensuring that he/she does not exceed the relative allowance applicable to the transaction i.e. R1 million or R10 million.

An individual may not use another individual’s single discretionary allowance or foreign capital allowance through the granting of a 'loan' or any other similar agreement. This is regarded as a simulated transaction to circumvent the provisions of the Exchange Control Regulations and therefore an illegal activity. In this regard, refer to Exchange Control Regulation 10(1)(c), read with Exchange Control Regulation 22.

The Exchange Control Regulations prohibit transactions where capital or the right to capital is, without permission from National Treasury, directly or indirectly exported from South Africa. This includes transactions where an individual purchases crypto assets in South Africa and uses them to externalise 'any right to capital'. Contravening these regulations is a criminal offence.

The repatriation of value to South Africa through crypto assets is not permitted as part of an individual’s single discretionary allowance and/or foreign capital allowance. This is because of the nature of the assets and because the transaction is currently not reportable on the FinSurv Reporting System. Similarly, non-residents who have introduced crypto assets to South Africa for local sale will not be able to transfer the sale proceeds abroad. The applicable exchange control policy is outlined in section G.(C)(i) of the Currency and Exchanges Manual for Authorised Dealers."

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