I am unable to log in on Koinexpert.com

We launched the new Koinexpert Platform on 15 April 2022. Clients who were registered prior to this date would not have been able to log in with their previous login credentials. The reason for this is that we encrypt passwords in our database and therefore could not carry them over to the new website. In order to log in once more, kindly do a password reset by going here.

How do I change my bank account details?

You can either follow the direct link: https://www.koinexpert.com/dashboard/arbitrage/bankAccounts

Alternatively, you can also find this link by following the below steps:

  1. Log into your Koinexpert profile.
  2. Select the 'Arbitrage' option available in the panel on the left.
  3. Scroll down to 'Bank Accounts' and select the 'Manage Bank Accounts Button"

Once you are on the Bank Accounts page, you will notice that all verified accounts have been listed. You...

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